Site News

Hi Everyone,

Greetings from San Francisco! I’m out here for a bit of vacation, and to see a few Smashing Pumpkins at The Fillmore. I’ve already been to two, and they have been amazing. I am looking forward to posting lots of photos and some videos, just as soon as my Internet connection is reliable. If I don’t get it done before the 1st, then I’ll have it done by the 3rd. Hopefully, however, I’ll get something up soon. So, what this boils down to is this: keep looking!

In the meantime, here’s a tease (go ahead: click on it!):

Billy Corgan at The Fillmore

Update (8/4): Slight delays in processing the material have made for delays in production. While waiting for the report (in the next few days), have a look at the photos and videos from the event (over in the sidebar). Thanks!

R.E.M. at the Olympia Theatre, Dublin – July 5th, 2007

“Celebration of your teenage nation.”

Thanks, Remdublin!

It’s hardly news (well, to obsessives), but the band’s stand in Dublin’s tiny Olympia Theatre has been marked by a profound “return to roots” aesthetic. The songs are much more straight-forward rock numbers, and the electronics found on the previous three albums are absent. One can only hope that the band will keep this focused, stripped-down approach when they return to finish the record, as this material is some of the most profoundly interesting – and energetic – of the band’s past decade.

On July 5th, I got to see the final “live rehearsal” with my friend Charles. What follows is a blow-by-blow record of the evening that features both R.E.M. and the opener – Mundy. I hope you’ll find it interesting, and that it will help to hold together the thin fabric that is memory. Please forgive any mistakes, as this review is largely the product of sleeplessness, air travel (and copious air delays), and a horrible, horrible day of missed appointments, missing documents, and travel complications. I would, of course, love to hear from anyone with a recording, or a clearer memory. Thank you!

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Site News

Hi, everyone!

I just wanted to keep you aware of what’s going on in these parts. As you’ve noticed, we’ve have had two new contributors – Nicholas and April – and we’re very grateful to have them. As ever, if you’re interested in contributing, please let me know! The more the merrier! We’ve also received notice from a number of kind websites who have sent us a great quantity of traffic. Certainly, the greatest volume has come from There have been many others, though, and I’m exceptionally grateful for all the mentions this page has received. If I haven’t reciprocated, do let me know. And as ever, thank you very much for stopping by – this site wouldn’t work at all without you.

So, what’s on the horizon? As ever, more guest contributions! There are one or two people I’ve been stalking for a while, now, and I hope to shame them into contributing in no time! (Watch this space for public shaming.) This is also going to be a month of gig reviews – or, at least, many more than we’ve had to date. I’ll be seeing a few Smashing Pumpkins shows out in San Francisco, and will bring you reviews as they happen. They’re letting us photograph, videotape, and audio record the performances. With luck (and money!), we’ll have a multimedia blitz for you. Also, there is a mystery gig review coming by the end of the week. Who knows what that could be? You? This bear?


Stay Tuned!