Social Distortion, “Angel’s Wings”

I triumphed in the face of adversity
And I became the man I never thought I’d be
And now my biggest challenge a thing called love
I guess I’m not as tough as I thought I was





In May of this year, I took the worst beating of my academic life. A savage, intense affair that resembled an extra scene from some literary version of Fight Club. No, I didn’t get to meet Brad Pitt. Instead, I got worked over by a smallish, youngish woman named Helen.  In fairness, this wasn’t an entirely unexpected development. I had spent the bulk of that academic year reworking, and reinventing, my quasi-stable thesis, and so the finished product was somewhat… well, unfinished.  The draft did, however, attack some of the sacred cows in my sort-of field, and I was rebuffed with extreme prejudice by the guardians of that field.  You see, originally, I signed on to do a project on early-modern drama and I ended up in printing. These things happen. The muse takes you where it will, and you have to roll with it.  Unfortunately, these changes can have rather severe consequences when they come too late.  The beating ended with an ultimatum: “give us something good in the next draft or go home.” { Phrased, of course, in very diplomatic language. This is Britain, after all.} My heart sunk. In a state of utter disappointment, and perpetual anxiety, I began to plan for my trip to Dublin. And, then, for the long, American summer that would somehow pull me through everything. And as luck would have it, it finally did. But the journey, as these things usually work, was far more complicated than I had ever imagined it would be. And here, as a sort of “what I did this summer” that will hopefully make up for a long absence, is that story…

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Site News

As Eddie Vedder once said: “I’m still alive.”

And so is this site. It has been a very long vacation, and I certainly do apologize. As some of you may know, I’m a postgraduate student in English. As fate would have it, the birth of this site coincided with the first year (of three) of my Ph.D. program. Consequently, the summer coincided with my frantic rush to ready a chapter for my “upgrade” meeting. (The time when a baby Ph.D. student becomes a man/woman.) { This is usually determined by lottery.} As you can imagine, this has made it very difficult to keep a handle on anything apart from early-modern printing (my “area of expertise”).

Just holding for laughs.

So, having vanquished that chapter (mostly), I wanted to let you all know that I’m planning on getting things started up again in the next week or so. Please let this serve as yet another request for contributions, and a thank you for being so patient with me during this time. And, of course, for being readers of my site!

See you soon…

Talking Heads, “Road to Nowhere”

roadtonowhere.jpg“They can tell you what to do
But they’ll make a fool of you
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right

We’re on a road to nowhere…”



I have to come clean about this one: the only reason I ever noticed this song was because, as a child, I had a fixation with the Fred Savage movie “Little Monsters.” That’s right: Fred Bloody Savage. I used to watch this movie once a day – sometimes twice. About a year ago, I found it in the on-demand section of my cable box and discovered, much to my chagrin, that I can still recite every line of this movie. All of them. And yet, for some reason, I almost never get a chance to do this at parties. You would think that this film – along with “The Wizard” – would have finally breached the canon, but, sadly, it has not. In any case, this entry isn’t really about Mr. Savage’s oeuvre. Instead, it’s about how a song can grow along with you, and how some of the most salient facts about your life can come straight from sweetest frivolity.

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Site News

Hi Everyone,

Greetings from San Francisco! I’m out here for a bit of vacation, and to see a few Smashing Pumpkins at The Fillmore. I’ve already been to two, and they have been amazing. I am looking forward to posting lots of photos and some videos, just as soon as my Internet connection is reliable. If I don’t get it done before the 1st, then I’ll have it done by the 3rd. Hopefully, however, I’ll get something up soon. So, what this boils down to is this: keep looking!

In the meantime, here’s a tease (go ahead: click on it!):

Billy Corgan at The Fillmore

Update (8/4): Slight delays in processing the material have made for delays in production. While waiting for the report (in the next few days), have a look at the photos and videos from the event (over in the sidebar). Thanks!