Site News

Hi everyone,

The time has come to unveil the first part of my evil plan for world domination! I am very proud to introduce you to our very first contributor – Chris Clark. Chris is a friend of mine from ages ago, a survivor of the Chelmsford, MA music scene (population five), and a lover of terrible, terrible pop bubblegum trashâ„¢. Seriously, though, Chris provides a set of experiences that will very likely be couched in songs that I would never have considered, even though I’m familiar with them. And that, my friends, is the point of this site. Or, at least, it’s what I hope this site will become. In the next few weeks, I will (fingers crossed) be introducing a handful of new contributors as things begin to take shape.

Would you like to be one of them? You could be. The first step is to register for the site. The second is to send me your ideas, and we’ll see about opening this thing up a bit. I’m still going to keep on writing about the songs that saved my life, but my hope is that we’ll find a way to share our diverse experiences in a way that will bring us closer.

And so, help me welcome our first contributor by heading over to read Chris’ post. In the next few weeks, there will be others… and, yes, there are more surprises to come! Hang in there, true believers…

Site News

Hey Everyone,

As you can see, things have changed. First of all, I’m trying out a new look for the site, and I’d really like your opinion. Please use the poll to the side, comment here, or both! I feel like things are considerably more personal, now, and we can move on to phase two of my evil plan. All in good time, though. Also, you’ll notice (if you’re particularly astute) that the permalinks have changed. { One of the results being that all of the YouTube videos now behave in IE… } You may now (and are encouraged to) visit the site via This will be the last time you need to update your bookmarks. Feeds should remain untouched. { I am such a liar. My love of tinkering has broken the old rss feed. Please re-subscribe. Pretty please? I promise I’ll never touch the server again. Ever. }

As I alluded to before, there are some longer posts to come in the next couple of weeks. Also, I am still working on the site’s first-ever collaborative project, and I hope to have news in a couple of weeks. Until then, for your singing and dancing pleasure, I leave you Thing One and Thing Two. Have a great April!

Site News

Hey there,

Jon here. I’ve added a new feature for registered users which will allow you to subscribe to post-update notifications by e-mail. So, if you’re not quite hip to the RSS thing (and, let’s face it, it’s really just for rave children…), then you’ve got another option. Registration is easy, as the link is on the menu bar, and you’ll never need to fear the spam bogeyman because of me. Once you’ve registered, you can change your subscription options from your profile.

In the next few weeks, we should find a story about the early days of Pluto Tapes “frontman” Andy Hicks, my favorite R.E.M. concert moment, as well as teenage odes to love and death. Oh, and quite possibly the reveal of our very first collaborative project! (Let’s say that there’s a fifty-percent chance, here.)

And, as ever, if there’s something you’d like to try, ask me: I won’t say no – How could I?